@database MagicMenuE.guide @width 77 @Node Main "Magic Menu Manual" ************************************************************************** M A G I C M E N U V 1 . 2 9 ************************************************************************** 1992 - 1993 Martin Kornd *************************** * * * I M P O R T A N T ! * * * *************************** MAKE SURE YOU READ THE @{" INSTALLATION-NOTES " link InstallNote} !!! IF YOU STILL USE MAGIC MENU 1.21 OR OLDER, YOU SHOULD READ THE @{" RELEASE HISTORY " link History} ! C O N T E N T S =============== 1. Introduction @{" 1.1 Motivation " Link Motivation} @{" 1.2 Features " Link Features} @{" 1.3 System Requirements " Link Requirements} 2. Installation @{" 2.1 From Workbench " Link InstallWB} @{" 2.2 From CLI " Link InstallCLI} @{" 2.3 IMPORTANT NOTES " Link InstallNote} @{" 2.4 Quitting Magic Menu " Link Removing} 3. Configuration @{" 3.1 General " Link ConfBasic} @{" 3.2 Pull Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic} @{" 3.2.1 STANDARD " Link ConfStandard} @{" 3.2.2 PRESSONCE " Link ConfPressOnce} @{" 3.2.3 SELECT " Link ConfSelect} @{" 3.2.4 3D-Look " Link Conf3D-Look} @{" 3.2.5 STANDARD-LOOK " Link ConfStandard-Look} @{" 3.3 Pop Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic} @{" 3.3.1 STANDARD " Link ConfStandard} @{" 3.3.2 PRESSONCE " Link ConfPressOnce} @{" 3.3.3 SELECT " Link ConfSelect} @{" 3.3.4 3D-Look " Link Conf3D-Look} @{" 3.3.5 STANDARD-LOOK " Link ConfStandard-Look} @{" 3.3.6 CENTER BOXES " Link ConfCenter} @{" 3.4 Keyboard control " Link ConfKCBasic} @{" 3.4.1 ENABLE " Link ConfKCEnable} @{" 3.4.2 MOUSE TO BAR " Link ConfMouseToBar} @{" 3.4.3 START SEQUENCE " Link ConfKCStart} 3.5 The other switches @{" 3.5.1 TYPE " Link ConfType} @{" 3.5.2 MARK SUB MENUS " Link ConfMarkSub} @{" 3.5.3 DOUBLE BORDERS " Link ConfDBorder} @{" 3.5.4 MENU TIMEOUT " Link ConfTimeout} @{" 3.5.5 HIDE " Link ConfHide} @{" 3.5.6 SAVE " Link ConfSave} @{" 3.5.7 QUIT " Link ConfQuit} 3.6 Tool Types @{" 3.6.1 SMARTPATCH " Link ConfSmartPatch} @{" 3.6.2 CHECKWB " Link ConfCheckWB} @{" 3.6.3 USELAYER " Link ConfUseLayer} @{" 3.6.4 KC_RALTRCOMMAND " Link ConfKCRAltRCommand} @{" 3.6.5 CX_PRIORITY " Link ConfCXPrio} @{" 3.6.6 CX_POPUP " Link ConfCXPopUp} @{" 3.6.7 CX_POPKEY " Link ConfCXPopKey} @{" 3.6.8 DONOTWAIT " Link ConfDontWait} @{" 3.6.9 TOOLPRI " Link ConfToolPri} @{" 3.6.10 STARTPRI " Link ConfStartPri} 4. Keyboard commands @{" 4.1 Hotkeys " Link Hotkeys} 4.2 During Menu-selection @{" 4.2.1 In all modes " Link CtrlKeys} @{" 3.6.2 Keyboardcontrol " Link KCKeys} 5. Hints and troubleshooting @{" 5.1 Question & Answer " Link Questions} @{" 5.2 Possible Problems " Link Problems} @{" 5.3 Programmer's Information" Link Profi} 6. History @{" 6.1 Development " Link History} @{" 6.2 Future Features " Link Future} 7. Trailer @{" 7.1 Credits " Link Credits} @{" 7.2 Licence " Link Licence} @endnode @Node "Motivation" 1.1 Motivation ************** Developing AmigaOS 2.0, Commodore's developers have re-worked the outer appearance of the Amiga's User Interface in an astonishing way. ... too bad they forgot Intuition's menus ... As I wanted to flee from the dull menu life and the many programs that are available did not satisfy me, I sat down at my keyboard and started to type... (Programming the Amiga means _lots_ of fun!) @endnode @node "Features" 1.2 Features ************ Magic Menu includes the following features: o All Intuition menus are replaced by Magic Menu. Therefore, all programs using standard menus will appear in the new outfit. o Magic Menu supports @{" Pull-Down-Menus " Link ConfPDBasic} as well as @{" Pop-Up-Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}. o Menus are either displayed using the @{" Standard Look " Link ConfStandard-Look}, or the modern AmigaOS 2.0 style @{" 3D-Look " Link Conf3D-Look} o Menus may be controlled exclusively using the @{" keyboard " Link ConfKCBasic}, there's no need to grab the mouse anymore. o There are three different types of using the menus: @{" Standard " Link ConfStandard}, @{" Press Once " Link ConfPressOnce} and @{" Select " Link ConfSelect}. o Magic Menu can be @{" configured " Link ConfBasic} in different ways, you may for example define handling and appearance of Pull-Down and Pop-Up menus seperately. o Magic Menu remembers every menu's last selected item, displaying Pop-Up menus the next time at a position allowing quick selection of the same or neighboring items. o if a menu is selected while the currently active screen is not visible, the screen is popped to the front for the menu display. After selecting an item, it is returned to the back. o if there is no input in a configurable time (moving the mouse, keypress) the menu selection is canceled, avoiding the machine to be blocked too long. and lots more... @endnode @Node "Requirements" 1.3 System Requirements *********************** There is only one requirement for using Magic Menu: you have to be using AmigaOS 2.04 (37.175) or higher. Magic Menu will also work with Kickstart 3.0, it will even utilize special features of the new operating system. Additional libraries are not needed. If you are still using Kickstart 1.3 or older, all you can enjoy is a requester reminding you that your are STILL not up-to-date... @endnode @node "InstallWB" 2.1 Installation from Workbench ******************************* Magic Menu only consists of one single program. The easiest way to install it is using the Workbench. To install, just move the "MagicMenu"-icon to the "WBStartup"-drawer of your boot partition. That way Magic Menu is automatically started every time you boot your system. In order not to open the @{" configuration-window " Link ConfBasic} every time you start MagicMenu, you should set the Tool Type CX_POPUP=NO in the WB information window of MagicMenu. Check your Amiga manual to learn how the information window works. MagicMenu's configuration is saved in the program icon. You can change these settings directly using the Info-function of the Workbench. Anyway, using MagicMenu's configuration window is a lot easier to use. @endnode @Node "InstallCLI" 2.2 Installation from CLI ************************* MagicMenu may also be run from the CLI. The settings will also be read directly from the icon, which has to be copied together with the program file. MagicMenu detaches from CLI itself, you don't have to use RUN. Executing MagicMenu a second time will display the @{" configuration-window " Link ConfBasic}. Command line parameters are not supported in the current version. @endnode @Node "InstallNote" 2.3 IMPORTANT NOTES ******************* MagicMenu has to patch some OS-routines. This does not bring any problems, as long as no other program patches the same functions. It may happen that MagicMenu can't be removed from memory, when another program installs itself. MagicMenu will recognize this and will give out an appropriate message, To avoid problems of this kind, you should use a program like "SaferPatches" from Martin Adrian or similar. When using SaferPatches together with MagicMenu, make sure you set the TOOL TYPE option @{" SMARTPATCH " Link ConfSmartPatch} to NO. Otherwise, leave it set to YES. References: @{" Known Problems of MagicMenu " Link Problems} @{" Programmer Information " Link Profi} @endnode @Node "Removing" 2.4 Quitting Magic Menu *********************** Magic Menu can be removed from the system in three different ways: - Selecting QUIT in the @{" configuration-window " Link ConfBasic} - Using AmigaOS 2.x's "Exchange" program found in one of your system drawers - Sending a CTRL-C to the MagicMenu process. Please note that it might happen that MagicMenu can't be removed from the system at once. After sending a message to another process, MagicMenu will wait for a reply. During that time, MagicMenu will not finish. After a certain time MagicMenu will get a timeout for this message and will exit anyway. A lot more difficult is the situation when a program that was started AFTER MagicMenu patches the same system functions. MagicMenu will notice that and display a message. Most of the time you can only select for MagicMenu to be disabled, it will then stay in memory but won't do anything anymore. In some rare cases you might want to select "Force uninstall". Make sure you know what you are doing, because if you don't, the systems reliability will be affected. See also: @{" IMPORTANT NOTES " Link InstallNote} and the Tool Type @{" SMARTPATCH " Link ConfSmartPatch}. @endnode @Node "ConfBasic" 3.1 General Configuration ************************* MagicMenu saves all setting as TOOL TYPES of its own icon. Of course you can change them there directly, some can only be changed by this way. But most of the settings can also be changed more comfortably by using the graphical user interface. To open the configuration window of MagicMenu, there are three possibilities: - execute the program a second time - using the program "Exchange" (to be found on your workbench disk in the directory Tools/Commodities): Select the MagicMenu entry and then "Show Interface" - the easiest way is by using MagicMenu's @{" HotKey " Link ConfCXPopKey}. If you didn't change it, it's the combination of the three keys --. The window is divided into three areas: - Setup for @{" Pull-Down-Menus " Link ConfPDBase} - Setup for @{" Pop-Up-Menus " Link ConfPUBasic} - Setup for the @{" keyboard control " Link ConfKCBasic} - General switches, modifying MagicMenu's reactions in all modes. The window can be closed anytime using the Close-gadget in the upper left corner or by selecting the button @{" HIDE " Link ConfHide}. In both cases, MagicMenu will remain in memory and be active. To save the current configuration, just select @{" SAVE " Link ConfSave}. All of the icon's Tool Types will be set to the current setup. To remove MagicMenu, select @{" QUIT " Link ConfQuit}. @endnode @Node "ConfPDBasic" 3.2 Pull Down Menus ******************* ... is what any Amiga user is used to as standard menus. A line of menu items in the top line of the menu, which open up when selected. The pull-down menus of MagicMenu work the same way, except that you can select between two different display types: @{" Standard-Look " Link ConfStandard-Look} @{" 3D-Look " Link Conf3D-Look} Plus, you can operate the menu using three different methods (plus @{" keyboard control " Link ConvKCBasic}): @{" Standard " Link ConfStandard} @{" Press Once " Link ConfPressOnce} @{" Select " Link ConfSelect} Which of these methods or display types should be used is set using the left area of the @{" configuration window " Link ConvBasic}. @endnode @Node "ConfPUBasic" 3.3 Pop Up Menus **************** You might need some time to get used to this option, But as soon as you do, you'll probably find it being a very comfortable way of selecting menu items. In contrast to the normal @{" pull-down menus " Link ConfPDBasic} the menu is not displayed at the top of the screen, but rather as a box at any place where your mouse is. You do not need to move the mouse to the top of screen anymore. Also, menus are not displayed horizontally, but vertically. Apart from that, pop-up menus work just like the normal pull-down menus. They may be displayed using: @{" Standard-Look " Link ConfStandard-Look} und @{" 3D-Look " Link Conf3D-Look} and are controlled in one of these modes: @{" Standard " Link ConfStandard} @{" Press Once " Link ConfPressOnce} @{" Select " Link ConfSelect} Additionally, there is an extra setting called @{" CENTER BOXES " Link ConfCenter} that will probably make menu usage even easier. Which of these display kinds and selection methods are used by MagicMenu is defined using the center part of the @{" configuration window " Link ConvBasic}. @endnode @Node "ConfStandard" 3.2.1 / 3.3.1 STANDARD menu selection ************************************* Using the standard settings, MagicMenu will act just like the Amiga OS does: After pressing the right mouse button, the menu strip (either pull-down or pop-up, depending on the @{" menutype settings " Link ConfType} and the position of your mouse) will be displayed. The menu strip will only be displayed as long as you keep the menu button depressed. Moving the mouse pointer to a menu item will display its subitems. To select a particular item, move your mouse to it and release the right mouse button. To select several menu items (without leaving the menu), you can - just like when using the normal Intuition menus - press the left mouse button when pointing to an item. TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pull-Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic}: PD_BUTTONMODE=STANDARD for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_BUTTONMODE=STANDARD Other methods of menu selection: @{" Press Once " Link ConfPressOnce} @{" Select " Link ConfSelect} @endnode @Node "ConfPressOnce" 3.2.2 / 3.3.2 PRESS ONCE menu selection *************************************** This option will probably be most appreciated by owners of trackballs, though others might also find it useful: during menu selection, you do not have to keep the right mouse button pressed, a short click will suffice. After that, the menu strip is displayed (either pull-down or pop-up, depending on the @{" menutype settings " Link ConfType} and the position of your mouse) and you can browse through the different menus and items just like in the @{" standard setting " Link ConfStandard}. To select an item, either the left or right mouse button has to be pressed. If you use any of the buttons outside of the menu area, the selection is aborted. For multiple selects, use the left mouse button while holding the shift key. TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pull-Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic}: PD_BUTTONMODE=PRESSONCE for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_BUTTONMODE=PRESSONCE Other methods of menu selection: @{" Standard " Link ConfStandard} @{" Select " Link ConfSelect} @endnode @Node "ConfSelect" 3.2.3 / 3.3.3 SELECT menu selection *********************************** ... is the setting I prefer most. Especially for @{" Pop-Up menus " Link }. Just as with the @{" PressOnce " Link ConfPressOnce} setting, the right mouse button only has to be pressed once real short and the menu will be displayed (either as Pull-Down or Pop-Up menu, depending on the setting of the @{" menu type " Link ConfType}). In contrast to the other mode, the menu items aren't activated by moving the mouse over them, they have to be selected using the left mouse button, too. The same applies to subitems: to display them, their parent item has to be selected. The main advantage of this setting is that menus won't be displayed accidently by moving the mouse a pixel too far. Some programs have very complex menus, which almost cost some nerves finding a menu item. Using SELECT you can use it like a switch box. Selecting an item that has no subitems attached will return this item's number to the appropriate program. To do a multiple select, press the shift key while selecting an item. TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pull-Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic}: PD_BUTTONMODE=SELECT for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_BUTTONMODE=SELECT Other methods of menu selection: @{" Standard " Link ConfStandard} @{" Press Once " Link ConfPressOnce} @endnode @Node "Conf3D-Look" 3.2.4 / 3.3.4 3D-Look Display ***************************** As of version 2.0 of the AmigaOS, Commodore has introduced a new 3D-Look in the display of the user interface. MagicMenu implements this with menus. This not only makes the menus look better, but usually also easier to use. Additionally, there are two functional differences resulting from this change: - Intuition will only visibly select a menu item, if it is not disabled (displayed as ghosted entry). MagicMenu implements a similar behavior, but disabled items will have a kind of `ghosted frame', mainly to make @{" keyboard usage " Link ConfKBasic} easier. - Apart from menu items that directly result in some operation, there also some that turn an option on or off. These items are displayed with a small check mark when the option is turned on. Of course does MagicMenu support these, though the display has been polished up a bit. But there are also other menu items that have a check mark even though they react different than the other items: mutually exclusive menu items. This could be used for a color selection, where only one color can be used at a time. MagicMenu will display these just like OS 2.0's user interface does: it uses radio buttons that either look recessed or raised, depending on whether the item is selected or not. This way, these menu options can be recognized easier as mutualy exclusive items. In order to be able to have the 3D-Look, the screen displaying the data must have been opened with at least 4 colors in a 2.0-compatible manner. This might not be true for some older programs written for 1.3 or earlier. Anyway, there are programs (like TagScreens from Martin Berndt) that modify opened screens, so that they do get the 3D-Look. As sometime the colors will not fit right anymore, MagicMenu's menus might not look three-dimensional anymore. In such cases using the @{" standard look " Link ConfStandard-Look} might be preferable. To switch between standard and 3D-Look, you can always press the Ctrl-key while displaying a menu. A few programs, mainly some that use menus for color selections, will not work correctly with MagicMenu, check the @{" problems " Link Problems} section ... TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pull-Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic}: PD_LOOK=3D for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_LOOK=3D @endnode @Node "ConfStandard-Look" 3.2.5 / 3.3.5 STANDARD-LOOK Display *********************************** If you should not want the _three dimensional display_ of the menus, you may always switch back to the old display style, while still enjoying all the additional features of MagicMenu. While carefully implementing all of the original flavor, there is only one slight difference to Intuition's menus: When using the keyboard to control the menus, "disabled" items are highlighted, too. This was necessary as doing without would make it hard to find out where you actually are. If a screen only has 2 colors, or has been opened using pre-2.0-methods, the standard look display is used automatically. TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pull-Down Menus " Link ConfPDBasic}: PD_LOOK=2D for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_LOOK=2D @endnode @Node "ConfCenter" 3.3.6 CENTER BOXES ****************** This setting is only used with @{" pop-up menus " Link ConfPUBasic}, it doesn't affect the normal @{" pull-down menus " Link ConfPDBasic}. If subitems are attached to an item, they will usually be displayed downwards and to either the left or right side of the item; the programmer will have taken care of placing the submenu (or GadTools for newer applications). Using the setting CENTER BOXES, you instruct MagicMenu to forget about that positioning and instead find a more efficient place for the submenu: If no menu item has been selected before, the submenu will be vertically centered relative to the menu item. Here's a little graphical demonstration of that process: Without CENTER BOXES: --------- | Project | | | | Edit | | ------- ----------- ||Options| Tabs | | -------| | | Texts | Pathes | --------| | | Colors | | -------- ---- ||Height | 10 | | --------| | | Width | 12 | | | | | Depth | 15 | --------- ---- With CENTER BOXES: ----------- --------| Tabs | | Project| | | | Pathes | | Edit | ---- | -------| Colors | 10 | ||Options| --------| | | -------||Height | 12 | | Texts | --------| | --------| Width | 15 | | ---- | Depth | ----------- When an item had been selected before, this item will be put directly beside it's preceding item, e.g. after selecting `Width' in the above menu, it would be opened like this the next time: ----------- | Tabs | | | | Pathes | --------| | | Project| Colors | | | | | Edit | Height | | -------| --------- | ||Options||Width || | -------| --------- | | Texts | Depth | -------- ----------- This way, selecting an item will be a lot easier the next time. TOOL TYPE: for @{" Pop-Up Menus " Link ConfPUBasic}: PU_CENTER=YES or PU_CENTER=NO @endnode @Node "ConfKCBasic" 3.4 Keyboard Control ******************** One of the big advantages of MagicMenu is that you might as well put your mouse aside, as menus can be used completely without mouse interaction, even if it does not have a shortcut sequence (Amiga-key + another key). If the menu is selected using the keyboard (either with the RIGHT ALT and RIGHT AMIGA keys or with the combination set via @{" START SEQUENCE " Link ConfKCStart}), the menu strip will be displayed at the top border. (With keyboard control, only @{" pull-down menus " Link ConfPDBasic} are used) When first displaying a menu, one of the menus is selected. If no other menu choice was done before, it will be the left-most menu, otherwise the one of which an item was selected. Use the cursor keys to select the different menus. Pressing Return selects a menu and displays it's menu items. With items, either the submenus are displayed, or the current item is selected if there are none. The ESCape key lets you go up one level or leave the menu selection without selecting an item. The easiest way to select a menu or item is to press the first letter of a selection. If there is only one menu or item that fits to that letter, the appropriate menu or item is selected, otherwise the cursor is only moved to that item. In that case, pressing the letter again will let MagicMenu cycle through the possible selections. Press the Return key to select the item. For multiple selection, press the Return key together with the shift key. The menu selection can be aborted anytime using the activation sequence (see above). As you may have noticed, MagicMenu tries to take a good guess at what you want to do and remembers all the levels of the last selection. There are the following settings available for keyboard control: @{" ENABLE " Link ConfKCEnable} @{" MOUSE TO BAR " Link ConfMouseToBar} @{" START SEQUENCE " Link ConfKCStart} These settings are located at the right area of the @{" configuration window " Link ConfBasic}. There are further descriptions of the keyboard sequences in the chapter @{" keyboard layout " Link CtrlKeys}. @endnode @Node "ConfKCEnable" 3.4.1 ENABLE (Keyboard control) ******************************* If this option is turned on, the menus can be controlled via keyboard commands. For further information check the following chapters: @{" Keyboard control " Link ConfKCBasic} @{" Keyboard layout " Link CtrlKeys} @endnode @Node "ConfMouseToBar" 3.4.2 MOUSE TO BAR ****************** Some programs (like DPaint or Directory Opus) only allow menu selection when the mouse is somewhere in the menu strip of the screen, as the right mouse button has another meaning at other areas. As this would make menu selection via keyboard controls impossible, MagicMenu will move the mouse to the top line when this option is turned on and the @{" start sequence " Link ConfKCStart} is deteced. For further information, check the chapter @{" Programmer's Information " Link Profi}. @endnode @Node "ConfKCStart" 3.4.3 START SEQUENCE ******************** This input field allows you to select the key combination which activates the @{" keyboard-controlled menu selection " Link ConfKCBasic}. All key names recognized by any other commodity may be used, see your Amiga manual for further information on commodities. For your information, here's a list of the names known to the Amiga OS Version 2.04. (Later versions know some more) lshift space rshift backspace capslock tab control enter lalt return ralt esc lcommand del rcommand up numericpad down shift right alt left caps f1 - f10 help For example, using "lcommand space" means that pressing the left Amiga-key and the space key together will bring up the menu. Entering an incorrect combination will result in an error message from MagicMenu, the old setting will remain active. The combination "ralt rcommand" (the right Alt and Amiga key) will always work, independent of the start sequence entered (except if @{" ENABLE " Link ConfKCEnable} is not selected). @endnode @Node "ConfType" 3.5.1 TYPE (large Cycle Gadget) ******************************* Use this switch between the different available menu types. USE PULL DOWN MENU ONLY If this mode is selected, only @{" Pull-Down menus " Link ConfPDBasic} will be used. USE POP UP MENU ONLY This mode will result in only _Pop-Up menus_ being used, even if the mouse is in the title bar of the screen. Anyway, there is an exception: for keyboard control, Pull-Down menus are used. USE PULL DOWN WHEN POINTER IN MENUBAR, POP UP OTHERWISE: The "automatic mode". When the mouse is somewhere in the title bar, Pull-Down menus are used, otherwise Pop-Up menus. This might come handy for people being used to moving the mouse to the title bar before pressing the right mouse button. Heart attacks and similar won't probably take place due to unexpected menu appearance. TOOL TYPE: for "USE PULL DOWN MENU ONLY": MENUTYPE=PULLDOWN for "USE POP UP MENU ONLY": MENUTYPE=POPUP for "USE PULL DOWN WHEN POINTER ...": MENUTYPE=AUTO @endnode @Node "ConfMarkSub" 3.5.2 MARK SUB MENUS ******************** This option enables the marking of menu items that have a submenu attached. When turned on, a small arrow will appear at the right side of such items. If the text of this item is too long or if the program uses its own marks (e.g. when using GadTools to layout the menus), MagicMenu's arrow is disabled. TOOL TYPE: MARKSUB=YES or MARKSUB=NO @endnode @Node "ConfDBorder" 3.5.3 DOUBLE BORDERS ******************** Usually all menus of MagicMenu are drawn to appear as if they raise up from the display, while selected items look like they are drawn recessed. Also, the way the menu windows are drawn results in the effect of stacked index-cards. Using this option will change that appearance: Only the borders around the menus have the 3d-effect, selected menu items appear raised. As the difference is only optical, try out both kinds to find the one that suits your personal taste best. In @{" Standard-Look " Link ConfStandard-Look} this option does not have any effect. TOOL TYPE: DOUBLEBORDER=YES or DOUBLEBORDER=NO @endnode @Node "ConfTimeout" 3.5.4 MENU TIMEOUT ****************** This function lets you select a timeout, after which a menu selection will be automatically canceled if no mouse movement or key-presses occur. Values can range between one and 120 seconds. As MagicMenu locks the screen menus are displayed on (just like Intuition does), this function will prevent the system from being locked. Also, it may happen occasionally that MagicMenu und Intuition deadlock each other (e.g. when moving a window while a menu is to be displayed, though this should not happen...). This deadlock-situation (2 or more programs waiting for a resource the other programs have already locked) will be broken up by the timeout of MagicMenu. See also: @{" Possible Problems " Link Problems} @{" Programmer Information " Link Profi} TOOL TYPE: TIMEOUT=